
Please contact us using the form below or by email.

If you contact us by email (Contact: Masaaki Murakami – Japanese) (Contact: Han Namjun)


・We will only use the personal information we receive from you to answer your questions and inquiries, and will not use it for any other purpose. The companies or entities affiliated with us will only use your personal information to the extent permitted by our internal regulations.

・We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible, but please note that it may take some time depending on the nature of your question.

・If you contact us on holidays such as Saturdays, Sundays, vacations, before or after New Year’s Day, we will respond on the next working day.

・We will respond to each customer’s request based on the content of the request, and we will not respond if the personal information is not entered correctly.

・The contents of our email correspondence are intended to answer the specific questions of the customer making the request. Please do not disclose the contents of the correspondence to anyone other than the customer concerned or use the contents of the correspondence, in whole or in part, for any other purpose without our permission.