Measures to Prevent New Coronavirus Infection

In response to the spread of the coronavirus, we and Mirai Centers have been taking the following measures since early February to protect our customers, students, and employees from infection.

The details are as follows

①All students and staff will have their temperatures taken when they go to school or work after the Chinese New Year holiday.
②All students and staff are required to wear masks. Everyone will have their temperature taken every morning.
③Limit student outings when not necessary and increase management of outsiders coming to school.
④Investigate the movements and health status of students and staff during the holiday.
⑤Place sanitizers and mouthwashes throughout the school and encourage hand washing and gargling.
⑥Ask students to take precautions and report any changes in their health, such as fever or unusual fatigue.

At this time, we have recorded no case or suspected case in our centers (including family members), but we will continue to take thorough measures to prevent the infection.

We are also requiring customers visiting our center to wear masks and use disinfectants at the entrance.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this severe period.